Saturday, May 7, 2011

Elite 8 Rules for Americans in Italy

So even though I lived half of my life overseas as a child, there seems to be some important information you should know...some of these are humorous but so honest.

1. You have to pay more if you want to sit down to eat in a restaurant often times. So take that stuff to go!

2. Europeans have a very small personal space, so when they are close to you, they can't help it.

3. If you get lost, you will eventually find your way. Everything seems to eventually make a circle, or square. And if you do get lost ask for directions. I know i will never have too much pride to ask for directions.

4. Not as much water are in the toilets, so don't expect to use the bathroom right after your roommate and expect it to flush it has to build up. Trust me, Montana and I know. -Entry on Bathroom Incidents Coming Soon-

5. Italians love "chocolate women" as our friend in the Kabab place next to our house told us.

6. There is not a lot of crime, but people love to pickpocket so a throw over shoulder bag is your best bet. Make sure the zipper is facing you and not on the outside however.

7. Get some nice orthopedic shoes, you are going to be walking everywhere, and the amount of stairs are in large numbers and the number of elevators. Well, let's put it this way I have been on an elevator once since I have been here and it could only fit me and one other person.

8. Oh yeah, the American dollar isn't worth anything anymore! So just make sure when shopping you find the cheapest items, because 9 times out of 10 if someone at the corner has a 10 euro scarf...if you walk 60 yards someone else is selling it for 5 euros. Also you have to tip if you take pictures with the interesting characters, like the one shown above!


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